zaterdag 1 december 2012
Vina Errazuriz wine photographer of the year competition
Wijnen van Vina Errazuriz worden voor Nederland en Belgie geimporteerd door Jean Arnaud Wijncom uit Tilburg (
Marisco Vineyards wins again
Brent Marris (Marisco Vineyards)
De wijnen van Marisco Vineyards, de Kings Serie en The Ned worden in Nederland geimporteerd door Jean Arnaud Wijncom uit tilbirg.
Astrolabe Sauv blanc Nieuw Zeeland
Internationale TOP scores voor Astrolabe
In Nederland wordt Astrolabe geinpoteerd door Jean Arnaud Wijncom BV.
Gold medal to the Broy Bianco DOC Collio 2010
Vinitaly - 20th International Wine Competition
Press Office
Verona, 20 November 2012 – A Gold medal
to the Broy Bianco DOC Collio 2010 and a Silver Medal to the Forresco Rosso DOC
Colli Orientali del Friuli 2005: this is the result obtained by Eugenio
Collavini Viticoltori from Corno di Rosazzo in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) at
the 20th Wine International Competition, the “World Wine Cup” that
took place in Verona, from November 12th to 16th 2012.
Out of 2.269
samples from 23 Countries, total of 16 Grand Gold Medals, 17 Gold Medals, 19
Silver Medals and 18 Bronze Medals were assigned, confirming the Competition as
the most selective in the world. The 105 jurors included 42 of the most
qualified international foreign journalists from all continents.
The full
lists of medal winners and special mentions for the 20th International
Wine Competition and the Gold, Silver and Bronze labels for the 17th
International Packaging Competition are available at
Press Office
Tel.: + 39.045.829.82.42 – 82.85 – 82.10
dinsdag 13 november 2012
Pago Arínzano
Zoom Tendencias - Arínzano, much more than Oenotourism
27th Oct 2012
‘Zoom Tendencias’ is filming in Señorío de Arínzano, a beautiful estate
situated between La Rioja and Bordeaux, the winery projected by Pritzker Prize
winning architect Rafael Moneo.
The Arinzano winery truly becomes part of the terroir it occupies.
This Estate has obtained Pago qualification, the highest status for a wine in
Spain, above 'Denominación de Origen Calificada'.
The Señorío de Arínzano estate has been recognized for the excellence
of its vineyards since the 11th century. In 1988 the Chivite family
acquired the Arínzano estate convinced that the uniqueness of the terroir, its
history, art and environment would give rise to wines that would be a reference
of the highest quality and singular character.
Julian Chivite is the eleventh generation: “It is a dream come
true. First buy, plant and then build side by side with Rafael Moneo this
Arinzano Estate, which is the crown jewel for us. There are three historic
buildings: the neoclassic church, the 16th century defence towel and
the 18th century rural mansion. The winery embraces these three
buildings. All of these would have no sense without the 128 Hectares of PAGO
Its new Pago wine Arínzano La Casona has been made under the
direction of Oenology Professor at the University of Bordeaux, Denis Dubourdieu:
“It is a unique concept in the world, and this is its merit. A
small green paradise, embraced by mountains, the climate cold at night and warm
during the day, what allows Tempranillo grapes mature slowly”.
Winemaking is carried out with the latest technology. Each parcel is hand picked and double selected to make sure only the
best grapes are used. Once inside the winery, grapes are moved entirely through
gravity and conveyor belts so as to guarantee the most delicate treatment
Chardonnay and Merlot grapes, among others, are grown in the estate.
Although the main variety is Tempranillo, which gives fine, elegant wines, with
excellent structure
zaterdag 10 november 2012
Lowest global wine crop since 1975
Lowest global wine crop since 1975 | ||||
LAJOURNEEVINICOLE.COM | 09/11/2012 | EDITION N°326 | ||||
Confirming a raft of estimates published over the last few weeks, official figures released this week by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) revealed that global wine production in 2012 is likely to range between 243.5 and 252.9 million hectolitres (248.2 mhl mid-range estimate), its lowest level since at least 1975. | ||||
Among the major EU wine producing countries, only the production forecasts
for Portugal and Greece have increased, though the increases came on the back of
fairly low 2011 production volumes. Countries where output followed an upward
trend are mainly in the southern hemisphere: Chile achieved a record level with
10.6 mhl (+15.5 percent/2010) and South Africa showed an increase of 4 percent
(10 mhl). The United States posted a sharp upturn in 2012 wine production, but
this was in comparison to the short crop of 2011 (20.55 mhl excluding juice and
musts, +7.1 percent).
Some of the decreases witnessed this year can be ascribed to a fall in area under vine. A number of OIV member countries reported a reduction in vineyard areas between 2011 and 2012. Although the three-year period during which the EU offered grants for permanent vine removal has come to an end, further declines were nonetheless reported. At the same time, the growth rate of planted areas in the southern hemisphere and the United States remained positive, despite a slowdown in the overall rate. Within Europe, climatic conditions had a major influence on volume output. Concurrently with this, growth in world wine consumption seems slightly shakier than it did last year. Available data suggests that current consumption ranges from 235.7 to 249.4 million hectolitres. The smaller figure casts doubt on the strength of the recovery witnessed from 2010 onwards. Low production levels this year, whilst seemingly positive in terms of price trends, may well cause consumption levels to decline as price hikes at source filter through to consumers in the more hesitant markets such as Russia and China. |
zondag 4 november 2012
Maandmagazine November
versies van deze per definitie frisse witte wijn. Zelden ook heb ik er in korte tijd zo veel geproefd, en ook zulke fraaie – de meeste voor mij allemaal nieuw. Tot de top reken ik de Sauvignon Blanc Province 2011 van Astrolabe, afkomstige uit het Nieuw-Zeelandse Marlborough. Heel expressief, heel levendig, zowel grassig als groen fruitig en voorts vrij stevig van structuur. ‘Wereldklasse!’ noteerde ik. De wijn is voor circa €19 te koop bij o.a. in Tilburg, in Haarlem en in Hoofddorp.
Het geheime wijnwapen van Argentinië, is bonarda. Een druif in de diepe schaduw van de inmiddels alom gevierde malbec. Maar wel wijnen gevend die minstens zo gaaf zijn. Exemplarisch in zijn soort is de Valcosta Bonarda 2011, vervaardigd door een voor het eerst exporterende bodega in Mendoza. De wijn, mooi gebalanceerd, valt op door zijn donkerrode kleur en dimensierijke, kruidige fruit van zwarte vruchten en bessen, terwijl een vriendelijke frisheid de alcohol in toom houdt. Voor €8,95 wordt-ie verkocht door o.a. Jean Arnaud (Tilburg), Van Berkum (Sittard), Hosman Frères (Vlaardingen), De Laak (Nijmegen), Schuttelaar (Zwolle) en Vinius (Eindhoven).

donderdag 25 oktober 2012
Vina Errazuriz Good to Know nr 79
Locatie: Waalwijk, The Netherlands
Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chili
zaterdag 20 oktober 2012
Perswijn Magazine presents De Grendel Wines
Perswijn Magazine een prachtige review van Rene van Heusden over onze wijnen van De Grendel.
zondag 14 oktober 2012
vrijdag 28 september 2012
zondag 23 september 2012
Decanter tasted #PinotNoir New Zealand
Spy Valley

Seamless with concentrated dark plum, cherry and berry fruit flavours supported by smoky oak. Silken-textured wine with good weight and richness. 18pts/20
Price: £15.83 Bibendum, Slurp
Drink: 2012–2018
Alc: 14%
Spy Valley wordt in Nederland geimporteerd door Jean Arnaud Wijncom.
Meer weten? of bel 013-5841200

Seamless with concentrated dark plum, cherry and berry fruit flavours supported by smoky oak. Silken-textured wine with good weight and richness. 18pts/20
Price: £15.83 Bibendum, Slurp
Drink: 2012–2018
Alc: 14%
Spy Valley wordt in Nederland geimporteerd door Jean Arnaud Wijncom.
Meer weten? of bel 013-5841200
woensdag 19 september 2012
Eloquent Errazuriz
donderdag, 20 september 2012 05:01
Eloquent Errazuriz‘From the best land, the best wine’. Deze uitspraak van oprichter Don Maximiano Errazuriz geldt nog steeds voor de producten van deze Chileense premium wijnproducent. Eduardo Chadwick is van de vijfde generatie en de naam Errazuriz staat nu garant voor een brede range wijnen, in totaal meer dan vijfendertig. Errázuriz heeft wijngaarden in drie verschillende gebieden in Chili. Don Maximiano, de overgrootvader van Eduardo stichtte in 1871 de eerste wijngaard in Panquehue.Van deze wijngaarden, de Don Maximiano Estate, komen de absolute topwijnen van Chili, zoals de Founders Reserve en de Sena, geboren uit een joint venture met Robert Mondavi uit Californie.Berlin Tasting‘We wanted to create an Icon wine’, aldus wijnmaker Fransisco Baettig. Baettig is naar Tilburg afgereisd, alwaar de trotse Errazuriz importeur Jean Arnaud voor een select gezelschap een verticale tasting presenteert van de icoonwijn Don Maximiano Founders Reserve. Deze wijn is bewust opgestart als icoonwijn. ‘We define it as a wine with an image, a symbol, a name, a face and a terroir’. Het eerste oogstjaar was 1984, een wijn die nog steeds perfect op dronk is. Naast de Founders Reserve maakt Errazuriz ook de Icons Vinedo Chadwick and Sena. Deze drie wijnen zijn beroemd geworden tijdens de zogenaamde Berlin tasting 2004. De jaartallen 2000 en 2001 van de drie voornoemde wijnen versloegen in hoog gekwalificeerde jury’s van gerenommeerde wijnschrijvers en wijninkopers toppers als Chateau Lafite, Chateau Latour, Chateau Margaux, Tignanello, Sassicaia, Solaia en Guado al Tasso. Een quote van de site van Errazuriz: ‘Vinedo Chadwick 2000 and Sena 2001 were placed first and second respectively in what Jancis Robinson recognized for the Chilean wine industry,now known simply as the Berlin Tasting’. Don Maximiano Founders Reserve 2001 belandde op de negende plaats achter Vinedo Chadwick 2001. Dit was een resultaat voor Errazuriz dat klinkt als een klok en wat tot op de dag waar ook ter wereld indruk maakt.
Masterclass 2.0Dit is dus niet zomaar een tasting vandaag in Tilburg. De sympathieke directeur Jean-Marc van de Kant van Jean-Arnaud kondigt wijnmaker Baettig aan en directeur Christophe Desglas van ProChile geeft ook zijn complimenten. Desglas woont overigens tot zijn tevredenheid al jaren in Den Haag, opmerkelijk als je het klimaat hier vergelijkt met dat in Chili. Baettig houdt een korte introductie van het bedrijf en geeft een technische uitleg over hoe icoonwijnen ouderen. Dat heeft te maken met ‘phenolic components, diminishing color, a decrease in astrengincy and the wine get’s thinner’. Daarnaast uiteraard een perfect terroir, oude wingerds, het juiste huwelijk tussen anthocyanen en tannines en polymerisatie van de tannines. Baettig, ‘I travel all over the world to give these masterclasses’, kwam net uit Shanghai en gaat dezelfde middag door naar Denemarken. ‘During the years we changed some parts of the masterclass’. Fransisco werkt sinds 2003 bij Errazuriz, maar heeft als flying winemaker zijn sporen over de hele wereld achtergelaten bijo.a. Chateau de Sancerre en Michel Laroche in de Lanquedoc.En nu in de praktijkOp tafel staan respectievelijk de jaren 1984, 1993, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2008 en 2009. De Founders Reserve bestaat uit overwegend cabernet sauvignon, de jongste jaren hebben kleine percentages cabernet franc, carmenere en zelfs syrah. Het eerste jaar 1984 heeft een hoge zuurgraad, is dun en slank en is ‘still alive and in good shape’. In die tijd gebruikte het wijnmakersteam nog geen kleine barriques, maar grote foeders. Het jaar 1993 is een stuk zwaarder en barst van het fruit. Een baby vergeleken bij 1984. 1995 heeft een hoge astringency en 2000 is zwaar met veel cassis. Het jaar 2005 is een blockbuster, is zeven jaar oud en heeft nog een lange weg te gaan. 2008 is daarentegen veel toegankelijker. ‘It has all to do with the quality of the years’ . 2009 heeft sterke minttonen, maar dit is niet de bedoeling volgens Baettig ‘I don’t want to much mint in these wine. It has to do with the Eucalyptustrees around the lots. I don’t use the lots with a lot of minttaste’.Tot slotDon Maximiano Founders Reserve is een klasse product. De wijnen hebben in de termen van de WSET ‘balance, length, intensity and complexity’. Ook evident: een hoge ‘aging potential’. Baettig voegt daaraan een zeer bewust toegepaste irrigatie aan toe, enig canopy management – maar niet overdreven – en een eerdere oogstdatum met het oog op het alcoholgehalte van rond de 13 %. Een doordachte icoonwijn. Met een prijs van rond de vijftig Euro – afhankelijk van het jaar – kan de Founders Reserve ook nog op andere wijze concurreren met de toppers uit Bordeaux en Toscane, als de koper het geduld kan opbrengen te wachten tot de wijn op dronk is.Charlotte van Zummeren
zaterdag 15 september 2012
South Africa, Wellington, September 2012 - Bosman Family Vineyards has further established themselves as one of the leading premium ethical wine producers from South Africa by winning the Fairtrade Award at the recent International Wine Challenge (IWC) in the United Kingdom.
The Fairtrade Award is for wine producing regions which are officially recognised as being part of the Fairtrade Association. Wines are judged on their individual merits and the Fairtrade Award is presented to the highest quality wine at the IWC with Fairtrade certification.
Bosman Family Vineyards was also the only South African winery to win one of the prestigious trophies at this year's show.
Su Birch, CEO of WOSA, was thrilled with the result: "South Africa is the leader in sustainable and ethical wine production in the world and we are excited that a South African wine is recognised in this way and that such outstanding quality can actually be produced in an ethical and environmentally responsible way”
Bosman Family Vineyards managing director, Petrus Bosman, commented gratefully: "our story at Bosman Family Vineyards is still being written and as a young team, we are very aware that the pages we are on today is the result of the hard work and dedication of those that have written our story before us. Farming with sustainable principles is something that has been carried over from one generation to the next in our family and our experience has been that the quality of your product increases over time when you consistently invest in people and nature."
According to Francois Theron, Social Anthropologist at the School of Public Leadership at Stellenbosch University and Social Development consultant to Bosman Family Vineyards, "this award gives meaning to efforts to establish social planning partnerships through which all farm stakeholders, owners and staff are capacitated and empowered to engage in sustainable social farming. The Bosman Family Vineyards approach acts as a benchmark for the industry."
The winning wine was the 2011 Wild Valley Chenin Blanc from the premium Fairtrade range of Sainsbury's, Taste The Difference, and is made from the Bosman Fairtrade Chenin Blanc vineyards from the Wellington Wine region. The judges described the wine as floral with white fruit aromas, fresh acidity, appealing grapefruit honey flowers and a rich creamy, bready texture. The wine is available from Sainsbury's in the United Kingdom at £7.99 and was grown and made by Bosman Family Vineyards and bottled in South Africa.
donderdag 6 september 2012
NZ wine takes top award in London
Brent Marris at the Decanter World Wine Awards - Source: ONE News
NZ wine takes top award in London
By Garth Bray in London
Published: 12:46PM Thursday September 06, 2012
Winemaker Brent Marris is grinning wide enough to give himself an earache, after winning one of Europe's top wine awards today. The Ned 2011 Sauvignon Blanc, produced by Marisco Vineyards, has just taken the Decanter World Wine Awards international trophy for best Sauvignon under a tenner in the UK market.
The awards were presented at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden.
Even though half of the roughly 500 entries came from New Zealand wineries, Marris' wine has still come out on top.
"Because it's up against some of the best of the world and also up against other kiwi Sauvignon Blancs, to actually come through and win it is massive, it's huge," says Marris, holding his huge trophy diploma.
Marris' single-block experiment in the Waihopai Valley is reaping rewards.
His strategy has been to create the feel of a 20 acre boutique vineyard, but on a global scale.
With 600 acres of vines planted on three terraces, Marris has the potential to produce hundreds of thousands of bottles a year, with a third of it going into the UK market.
In the UK, he says Marisco's is the biggest single supplier to one of the better known wine merchants, Majestic. "It's small on a big scale," says the man who built Wither Hills and sold it to Lion Nathan, pouring much of the profit into creating Marisco.
Marris has found his success through fusing the Old World approach of a single lot press, while also using some technology and processes looted from the dairy and meat industry to create a 21st century winery that has clearly turned heads here in London.
It is the sole New Zealand winner in a night dominated by wines from France and Chile. However, all of the winners were overwhelmingly from family owned wineries like Marisco - there's something of a taste here for the smaller scale, picky producers.
Yet Marris thinks he has the jump on them because the wine is produced on a large scale on that single lot and already has a spot on shelves in the US and UK.
"We've hit the refresh button on sav blanc," says Marris.
Marris may be bold, loud, and perhaps a little immodest, but he is now backed up by a major award. A bit like his 2011 The Ned.
Imported in the Netherlands by:
donderdag 30 augustus 2012
Wine Spectator Advance
Malbec Mendoza Reserva 2010 • $18
A ripe red, with ample acidity to support the jammy kirsch, plum sauce and wildberry coulis notes that are framed by medium tannins, as the finish pumps out hints of smoke, spice box and graphite. Drink now through 2017.
A light-bodied red that tastes more like a rosé, with delicate cherry and rose petal flavors that are fruity and crisp, followed by a spice-filled finish. Drink now. 150,000 cases made.
donderdag 23 augustus 2012
WineSpectator Insider, Quinta Do Noval
Deze prachtige wijn wordt door @jeanarnaudwijn geimporteerd voor de Nederlandse horeca en wijnvakhandel. Meer informatie: of mail
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